Panasonic ProClub - Online manual
Website - Forum for Users & Keyusers

Forum for Users and Keyusers

PRO Club users and keyusers will find the 'Forum' section under the tab 'Service' -> 'Forum'. 

PRO Club users can view all the forums and subforums enabled for their profile. On the other hand, keyusers will be able to view and participate in all forums of their countries under the public name (nickname) setup by Super Key Users.

Forum section is composed by:



In addition to viewing the contents of the forums, subforums and topics, PRO Club users and keyusers can:






Create/Post a new topic

Pro Club users and keyusers, besides reading forums and subforums messages, they can participate by creating a topic ('New topic'). These topics can be created into a forum or a subforum.


Pro CLub users will have to fill the following empty fields:

When user press 'Send' the new topic will be published.


Important: If the forum or subforum is moderated, PRO Club user will see (when creating a topic or posting a reply) informing him that his topic or message need to be reviewed and approved before its publication.


Reply a topic

Pro Club users and keyusers can answer the topics by clicking the button 'Reply'.



Pro CLub users will have to fill the following empty fields:

When user press 'Send' the areply will be published.



Users and keyusers can know which part from the Forum are viewing just by checking the breadcrumbs that appears on top (You are here: Start / FORUM / SUBFORUM). They can also navigate across the forum by clicking them.


Moderated forum

If a forum/subforum is moderated will mean that new topics and replies will have to be approved/denied by keyuser before their publication.  


Blocked forum

If a forum/subforum is blocked, users will not be able to post new topics and replies on the forum/sobforum.

Activate / Deactivate notifications

Forum users have the possibility to decide if they want to receive an email notification when there's a new comment/replay in a topic




See Also